
Countdown to Disney: Introduction

Welcome!  Allow me to give an explanation for this blog.

1. Over the past 35 years, I have been to Walt Disney World 9 times.  This summer will feature my 10th trip.  Therefore, I provide a prospective of someone who is a visitor, but also of someone who is familiar with the park.

2. On my last trip to WDW, in May 2015, I did a countdown, listed on my Facebook page, in which I watched a Disney movie each day.  I tried to include recent movies and movies that would have a relevance to my trip.

3. I decided that since I will be visiting once again this summer, I will do another countdown.  However, this time, given my experience, I will provide two things.

4. The first thing will be a review of each movie.  I didn't provide any reviews before, but this time, I will make sure to provide my thoughts on each film.

5.  The second thing I will include is a guide to the connection to the park.  Last time, I made sure to include films that had a connection to the park.  This time, I will include a discussion on that connection,

6. I will try to include what pictures I can.  I will be going through family archives over the next few weeks, so that should help.

Main Street Station, March 2007

7. Please follow allow this summer!


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